WELCOME BACK! After a long winter hiatus, this gardener is ready to go! How about any other garden friends reading this blog?
First, I would like to share how I start my seedlings. I know most large scale gardeners plant each seed tray with the same seed, then label that tray with the type of seed planted. He/she usually doesn't bother with jiffy seed pellets like you see below, but rather plants the seeds directly in some sort of seedling starter/ soil mixture. But since I am a small scale gardener with limited indoor space, I plant many different seeds in the same seedling flats. In the tray below I have red peppers, 4 varieties of tomatoes, 2 varieties of basil, yellow strawberries, kale, kohl rabi, cauliflower, red cabbage, cilantro, and stevia. There are also a few flowers/herbs, including chamolmile and calendula.

You would be surprised that you can't really tell a cauliflower, kale, broccoli, or cabbage apart when they're seedlings, so this really saves the confusion of having a bunch of "mystery plants". (Except for one year when one of the little grandchildren toppled the tray by mistake. )